08.08.05 - Up and back: Chicago
These last few days have felt like weeks in a good way. Being back in Toronto and chilling with the folks was a nice change of pace for me, not to mention the wedding in Ottawa (congrats B.rads!), his jam at the cottage and the drive there and back care of XGeoffX and Karen. We hit a nice hefty storm on the trek home which gave us quite a light show. You don't see lightning like that in Vancouver. I've been so caught up with work and crap this past year that it felt like time had slowed down just for me. Props to time continuum.
Just before flying out to the con, my buddy Ming and his posse at Curry's in Markham hooked me up with a nice discount on some supplies which I tore into at Chicago. I did about 20 sketches and remembered to take pictures of most of them. You can check out the first half here. I will upload more later on.
So, yeah. Chicago! Where to start... I've experienced this circus twice before but never behind the table meeting and greeting fans. Traffic flow was pretty good considering my table was in the back corner of one of the sub-artist's alleys. I was painfully unprepared, though, and wished I'd brought at least a banner with my name on it and some tape. I'll make up for my misses later this month at the Toronto con.
Above: Arthur and his wife Neelam setting up
It was great to see father-daughter combos who were into Mary Jane and telling me how it was something they could both share and talk about. Lots of people also complimented me on Sidekicks and asked if I were doing more. I couldn't really say except there was the possiblity of future issues;) I stayed put for most of the con, busy drawing and signing books but took most of the last day off to walk around so I apologize to those who stopped by while I was gone. I met a lot of Tokyopop artist's and editors and was amazed at their wicked cool booth in the corporate area. Most memorable meetings were with Steady Beat (out this October) artist Rivkah and MBQ (out NOW) artist Philipe. The energy and passion they both showed for their work and comics in general was amazing. If you ever get a chance to see them at a con I highly recommend chatting with them.
Above: My shared table with Arthur
Above: Me sketching
So, all-in-all a great con. I managed to make back most of my expenses for this trip, made some new and saw some old friends. Oh, kudos to the Horhaus guys for the nice sketchbook they gave me. They do a podcast called The Horcast (which can be found on itunes) which I listen to each week. It's one of the few I listen to and they talk a lot about their process and experiences within the comics industry and mix it up with lots of interesting and thoughtful Q&As with creators. We talked about doing one on BFX while I'm down in Toronto in a few weeks so I'll let you know if we get that worked out.
Currently watching: reruns
Currently reading: the 2006 IKEA catalogue
Currently eating: turkey sandwiches, chicken soup w wildrice
Currently listening: podcasts - the Horcast, Gutterfly Radio
Currently drawing: BFX2 week twenty-two, Mastermind, Amazing Fantasy cover
Currently wanting: a 2 bedroom apartment
Currently toiling: over picking up painting again, catching up on e-mail
Currently waiting: for my paycheck
Currently downloading: Monster episode 57