
I just spilt coke all over my computer table. Dammit. Gotta break out the Fantastik and give everything a good rub-down.

I reinstalled Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour on my computer and started playing again for some reason. I don't know why. I need to work. It would be alright if I was actually good at the game but when I play online I get my ass royally handed to me so it's a bit discouraging. My record stands at 0 and 3. I'll uninstall it again once I hit 10 losses.

I read that Pat Morita passed away a few days ago. He will be missed. For a good chunk of the eighties it was all North America knew of Japanese culture. I think all the whities thought every j-person could catch flies with chopsticks. Damn, I wish I could. He paved the way before Pokemon and anime, so, in effect, he's the grand-daddy of everything J-cool.

I've finally setup a working network between my 2 computers. It was wierd. One day it would work and others not. I bought a router to counteract the problem and it's been smooth sailing since. I'm currently using my old tank for e-mail and downloading purposes and the new one for photoshop. I'm likin' this new setup but now I'm facing a freakin' huge visa bill. Yowza.

Got an art show to go to tonight. It sounds more like an art"fest" since they'll have bands and Djs playing as well. Oh, and it's being sponsored by some wine company. Sweeeet. You know where I'll be;)



Thanks to Rivkah and Sam for posting their words of encouragement. Getting out isn't the problem with me since I do. A little too much lately to be honest. I think it's been more of the "why"s and the worth of actually slaving over something that's been fuckin' me up. There IS the personal satisfaction end of things, of course, but there is also the peer acceptance or appreciation aspect of it that matters even more sometimes.

I'm convinced art is done for another and to communicate something to that other instead of just doing it and sticking it in a cave for no one to digest. What would the point of that be? Ever since doing comics as a fulltime gig, I've been concentrating on ever improving and never being satisfied. I think it's a good thing since you never rest on your laurels and keep pushing forth for something new and better. The flip side to that is there's plenty of doubt that tends to follow. Am I actually getting better or worse? Am I going in the right direction or what? Am I really gonna reach that ultimate goal?

Dude... I should just go back to how I saw things in art school. See everything as a process. Yeah, I think I will.

Above pic is from the upcoming BFX week. It's gonna be sweet.



I hate to admit it but I've been fighting a slump lately. Not feeling like drawing or even sitting at my drawing table. It blows. Forcing myself to work in these situations just puts out crap work so I tend to sit back and chill for a bit while I regain some sort of composure. I used to scour the net for other artists in the past but that hasn't been doing it for me lately. I need some more inspiration!

I spent a large part of yesterday cleaning and adjusting my studio to change things up. My new computer arrived so I set that up next to my old one and I'm currently transfering files and uploading programs. Oh, man. This new 20 inch widescreen is sweeeeet. Hopefully this little change will help motivate me more. I think my old setup was too confining and felt too much like a cubicle. I've moved my table so that I don't face a wall anymore and put some distance between me and my monitors so I don't keep checking e-mail or playing FreeCell. I've racked up 4000+ games on that thing with a 75% win ratio. Not bad.

I've been hooked on pesto. It comes in a jar and all I have to do is mix 2 tablespoons of the paste into some cooked pasta. It's SO freakin' good and fast. I'm in love. I sometimes mince some garlic into it to add come kick. I hafta make sure I have a day buffer before I go out though since I stink after eating it.

What else... Oh, I started guitar lessons on Tuesday which was cool. It's great to have a good teacher. He lives 3 blocks away so in terms of convenience it's the shit. I'm starting with the basics, so, like, finger exercises, scales and Yesterday by the Beatles. I've been messing around with chords for too long so I figure knowledge of actual notes and technical fundamentals is exactly what I need.

Might be going out tonight. Not sure yet. Anything to help me get back on the drawing horse!!



After a busy 2 weeks tied to my worktable, I spent this past weekend nourishing in one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had. This game had it all by way of very little. It was a masterpiece unfolding on my TV. Seriously. I was floored by this. Like, holy shit.


Just a quick post while I try and finish this MJ issue.

I just watched Three... Extremes (yeah, I know. I really should be working) and thought I'd recommend it. For those of you not in the know, it's a collection of 3 short horror films from 3 uniquely gifted asian directors. Each clocks in at 40 minutes. It's horror, yes, but it hits the deeper psychological nerve more than the cheap thrill-bone.

I heard good things about it over the net and like everyone said, I wasn't disappointed. I personally liked Dumplings the best but loved the visual artistry of Takashi Miike's Box. Some of the wide snow scenes were breathtaking and serene and the retro carnival tent was sweet. I also liked that old kerosene heater towards the beginning of the film. I especially liked that they didn't over do it with showing the gore and various monsters a la Ring and Juon but, instead, resorted to subtle storytelling. Miike is known for being over-the-top and by toning it down made me appreciate his wider talents.

Dumplings reminded me of old Twilight Zone episodes where we're dropped into a slightly twisted world and watch as the train wreck runs it's course. The ending was, like, "Whaaaaaaa!??" You'll understand if you've watched it;) I gotta say, though, the cook was HAWT! Daaaaamn! Serious shwing-o-rama. All the chewing SFX added a nice touch. I wish they'd actually had the actress chew on something crunchy though. Woulda been nice to see her really workin' those dumplings.

The last of the three, Cut, was appropriately messed up. Not as cringe inducing as I expected. Much of the "cutting" was off screen. Of course, it helped focus my attention to the dilemma at hand and not the gore. A successful move in my opinion. Some nice twists and turns and deliberate humour is peppered in which was satisfying. I dunno. It didn't hit home like the others.

Anyway, if you make it to the theatre or find this gem online I suggest checking it out and expect a great horror alternative for the fright connoisseur.



I just saw Saw II. Although I wasn't a fan of the first one, I enjoyed this sequel for some reason. Having more characters was a nice touch since it's opportunity to venture into the many and varying grotesque ways to end life. Like, ouch. I woulda liked to have seen more tests and games within the house. At least enough for each character to give a go at. There were very few personalized trials so what was the point of having all those people? Oh, wait. Death. I'll assume they were left undiscovered.

Pain seems to be the theme to Saw. Sharp objects in eyes, needles in all parts or your body, dicing of the skin. You name it, it was there. I have a major fear of needles so parts were painful to watch. I was tugging at my shirt and balling my fists during some points. Intense.

Also, the movie sorta motivates and makes you appreciate life in a seriously twisted fashion.

On a different note, I was lying in bed this afternoon checking out the writer's bump on my right ring finger. It's HUGE.

No pic today. Too busy with this MJ issue.
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