
I had a fun weekend last week. Got drunk, saw Radiohead and hung out with mom. Not all on the same day but in that order. It seems the world and everybody's savings are going down the drain while I type this but, more importantly, I've uploaded my crappy bootleg from the show so check it out. My arm got tired holding the camera so it's not even the entire song but you can have a taste of what it was like. If you taste awesome then you are correct.

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic



I've been loathing all this rain and finally we get a nice day, only for me to sleep through most of it. Jeez... I seriously needed to do some laundry. Tomorrow!

Going to see Radiohead on Sunday. I've been a fan for a long time but I've never bought any of their albums. Is that bad? I really need to catch up on their new stuff in the next few days or else I'll be totally lost. I had a mix tape I taped off the radio back in high school with Creep on it. haha... High school. That was a long time ago. Tapes!? That was a long time ago...

I don't play video games but I've been addicted to this flash game called Amorphous. I just finished the huge nest with Reactive Armour and Hazard Suit bonuses. I was pretty proud of myself. I still have about 19 awards to get but I don't really care about those. If you're bored, give it a try.

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