
A quiet Wednesday morning. The weather's been nice and cooperative so I've been working with the window open recently. Currently drawing the last issue of this Runaways mini and feeling good about finishing up this marathon of work and then taking off to Thailand for a few days at the end of the month. I'm really looking forward to that. It's a place I always wanted to go and it's finally being realized. I'm totally piggin' out. Pics to follow!

I calculated, submitted and paid my taxes on Monday. I didn't realize it was the deadline. Y'know, in Canada we get till the end of April and I've been preprogrammed to think that way. I was lucky I got around to checking out the paperwork over the weekend. Phew...

I bought some plates at a dollar store yesterday and broke them even before getting them home. I was fumbling for an ice cream bar at a supermarket on the way home and dropped the bag they were in. Of course, I coulda gone back and bought 2 more but I was too ashamed at myself.

Alsooooooo, I bought a PS3 and a coupla games about a week ago. I caved... I have this new TV and being totally stressed out all the time sorta convinced me to do it. Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter 4. I've been hooked on The Mercenaries mini game on RE5 and completely ignoring SF. The quick and easy online mode is just too addictive...

Speaking of addictions. I'm trying to ease myself off coffee this week. I realized I'm drinking too much and it's what's causing a lack of concentration with work. I went cold turkey yesterday and now I have a headache so I'm limiting myself to 1 cup a day. My routine for the last few months led me to drink 4-5 cups a day plus occasional sodas and teas to top off my caffeine cache so... yeah. Not good. I've been noticing myself being more relaxed though. Which is cool.

This caffeine business also led me to think back to a lady I saw on TV when I was about 14 or something. She was addicted to Mountain Dew for it's caffeine content and would drink it non-stop all day. They showed her buying bottles and bottles at supermarkets and complaining that if she didn't it gave her headaches. Geez... Just STOP drinking it then lady! DUH! Also, speaking of stupid ladies on TV during my childhood, I recall seeing a lady tattoo her lips with red so that she didn't have to put lipstick on. She was so happy and felt everyone should do it. I won't pretend to know anything about makeup along with the positives and negatives with this but, to me, it just felt like a bad idea...



Lost Planet 2 was announced last week with a trailer. It's a near-future-alt-world combat game and looks pretty freakin' awesome in my opinion. I was commissioned to produce storyboards for the in-game cinematics last year and that's part of the reason I've been so busy. Anyway, my hand in the whole operation was pretty miniscule but my name will be in the credits somewhere so when it comes out go buy it! lol



I'm totally stressed! Currently finishing issue 8 of Runaways and had to get an inker to help me on it to finish on time. Got another issue to finish this month and then I'm planning to take a few days off to go to Thailand. Yay! I seriously need this vacation...

Some things I've been doing while practically living the life of a hermit:

- Watched the first UK version of Law & Order. I keep thinking back to Hot Fuzz and it makes me laugh.

- Experimenting with different ways to cook chicken. My repertiore has increased tenfold due to the past 3 months.

- Listening to movie podcasts. /Filmcast and Film Couch are both pretty awesome.

- Figuring out when I'm actually supposed to sleep. I go to bed and wake up at random. It's not healthy.

- Playing mahjong on my phone. Real Mahjong, man. Not the matching tiles crap.

- Watching LOST. They've finally made it to the island. Geez...

- Listening to the Bladerunner soundtrack cuz it's been a good 6-7 years since I last listened to it.

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