
Nice to have some new tv to watch. Been following Top Chef and Hung. I watched the first episode of Survivor but that big guy was really annoying that I don't think I can watch it anymore. He's got nothing to gain except being an asshole! But I suppose every show needs a heel that everyone wants kicked off.

In terms of comics, I've been reading Homunculus and I gotta say it's one of the most intriguing books I've read recently. It's by the guy who did Ichi the Killer so I expected a lot of introspective and twisted material but it pleasantly surprises with it's depth of character and unpredictability. The art is painstakingly gorgeous as well. I can't believe how much information is packed into each panel. Recommended.



I stumbled upon this last night and had to share. It's a 3D horror short called Hikiko. I was skeptical at first with it being CG and all but I thought it was rather effective and successful with the fright factor. It's got the usual asian girl with long hair but her movements and groans were pretty nice. It's unsubbed but I don't think you'll have a problem understanding it.



After buying and playing MGS4 and Killzone 2, my gaming ambitions were pretty much fulfilled. Haven't wanted any other game nor have the time to play them anyway. But. BUT. I seriously need to get 3D Dot Game Heroes when it comes out in November. It's basically an 8 bit RPG but in 3D and it looks pretty damn awesome.



It's been a busy week. With work deadlines and family visiting from Canada, haven't had much time to do much else. On top of that, my external drive went kaput on me and I had to race to get a replacement yesterday. I knocked it over vacuuming and that's all it took for the "click of death" to start. What a pain in the ass. I was able to pull enough of the important files from it so it wasn't that big a deal but I lost an entire day trying to salvage it and all that time was what I felt bad about losing the most. Oh well. Shit happens.

Some more art!



I'm lovin' this commercial. I can't get the damn tune outta my head... I invite you to be equally brainwashed.



I fell off the updating wagon last week a little. My apologies. I've been working like mad and my life has been somewhat boring to be quite honest. Although, I did sneak a night of drinking in over the weekend I'm now, sadly, back to the grind.

Anyway, since I have nothing interesting to say at the moment I'll just post art. Continuing on with my current work reportoire:



Disney buys Marvel! All the comic news sites are bursting at the seems with the news and speculations. Does this mean a Mickey and Spidey crossover done by Pixar with a soundtrack by the Jonas Brothers?? I have no idea... It'll be interesting to see what happens from here on in. It's good for comics, tho, no doubt. We may even see alternative outlets for the books and characters which would be great so, I say, win. Go comics!

Also, a piece of preliminary art from what I'm working on right now:

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