
I've got another restless week coming up. I don't think I'll be able to leave the apartment which kinda sucks. Actually, knowing that I know I can't leave is even worse... But, y'know, it's nice to be back in a marathon and not a sprint.

I'm watching Good Will Hunting as I work right now. It's one of those "safe" movies I can watch without really watching. It's also one of the only movies I like Robin Williams in aside from Dead Poet's Society since he's not all crazy and doing his hyper-active schtick. It's also got a lot of subtle movements and facial reactions that I find inspiring. My favourite scene is towards the end when Damon and Driver fight and she scrunches up her brow right before she cries. Her expression is heartbreaking and pretty priceless.

Short post.



I was thinking last night that there is probably some dude out there that looks exactly like me. However, I'm asian so we all look alike anyway, hence, more probable?? There's probably a facial twin for everyone on this freakin' planet actually. Even an imagined face would probably have a person to go with it. Well, within certain limits of course... This is the sorta crap I think about on a daily basis, btw. Your welcome.

I decided to not drink for a while. Y'know, booze. It's a bit of a social/physical experiment to see if it's still possible to have a good time without it. Not to mention avoid being lethargic and unmotivated the next day which was something I've been experiencing lately after party nights. It's not like I've set dates or anything. Just going with the flow.

I was recently asked to draw an image for a store banner. The store being Challengers in Chicago which just opened a few weeks ago I believe. The subject matter was open to my choosing but I went with something familiar and familiar to me was MJ and the gang. It was really nice to get to draw them again to be honest. So, if you're in the area, drop by the store and hopefully you'll see my piece in one of their windows. They have a slew of other great creators contributing so it's like a free open gallery which is kinda cool. Anyway, my contribution:TAK


I'm, uh, really tired right now. Hit the gym for the first time in a month this afternoon and I think it did me in. I felt pretty guilty for neglecting my body for so long I undertook an extra self-flagellating routine. I think that's how you spell it... and I think the grammer is correct on that. Ahh, fuck it. You get the point. The gym I go to recently banned parking bikes in front of their building so now all the bikes are lined up tight against all 3 other walls. It's almost as if the bikes are propping the building up. There's room for artful insight into the visual but, again, I'm too tired.

I was gunning to buy some jeans yesterday but the store I favour was closed for renovations and it killed my shopping mojo for the rest of the day. I had plans to start filling in gaps in my summer wardrobe but I completely deflated, walked around Shibuya with some friends and just got wasted afterwards. It was pretty bad. Luckily I had enough smarts to take last train home just in time to feel a 6.5 earthquake while lying in my futon. All in a day's work I tell ya.

I've started to sleep with only window in my apartment open again. I sleep right under it. It's nice to breathe crisp fresh air while sleeping. Only thing is, I'm on the first floor and the window is quite large and anyone could easily jump through from the street, knock me out and steal all my shit. I'd most likely wouldn't even wake up so you could ignore that second step. Anyway, think about it. Actually, don't.



Finally finished the Runaways issue this morning. My finger tips are numb from gripping my ink pens too hard and my wrist is killing me. It was an extended holiday in Japan starting last Saturday but I didn't get to see the light of day since I was so freakin' busy. Think I'm gonna let off some steam by doing some shopping. I need some new clothes for the summer anyway.

I've booked my ticket backhome in August. Just for 2 weeks but I'll be back in Toronto in time for the fan expo so I plan to check that out for a day. My sister's wedding is on the same weekend so I'll probably hit it on Friday all jetlagged. It'll be good to see some old faces and see what's new with comics. I haven't really read any in a long time. In fact, come to think of it, I haven't picked up anything here as well in a while. I used to pick up Afternoon every month but I found that I was only reading Blade of the Immortal and some random gag strips from it that I stopped. I flip through comic magazines at the local 7-11 cuz, y'know, that's free but I feel like the dude at the register is always eyeing me to buy it so... haha.

What else have I been doing... Oh, I attended a friend's wedding 2 weekends ago. Congrats, Matt!! I wore my spankin' new suit to it which was kinda cool and different. It's been about 3 years since wearing one and it felt kinda nice actually. The wedding was in the Grand Hyatt in Roppongi which is probably one of the nicest and classiest places to get hitched. My first time to see a shinto style wedding where the bride and groom were decked out in wedding kimono's and a very foreign progression of events leading up to the exchange of rings. No kiss! Well, they made up for it at the after party.

Oh, crap. I just remembered I need to get my J-passport... Man, looking at all the documents I need it's gonna be another marathon around Tokyo. Yay, me.

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