Wow. Freakin' wow. It's 2006.
I got home from Toronto last night really really late. My plane was delayed, then had to be sprayed with anti-freeze gunk, and once we landed in Vancouver they couldn't get the cargo doors open or some shit. So, after all that I just went straight to bed and skipped any sort of new years festivities. Oh, and get this, I woke up in the morning to people screaming and yelling and no power in my apartment. I thought the world had ended or y2k had finally seeked death in the human race. Turns out it was just a power outage and the annual polar bear swim happening just outside my window. Damn.
Christmas was pretty cool. It's always nice to sit down to a warm meal you don't have to make or pay for. I took full advantage of being back home by doing loads of laundry and driving instead of walking. Sorry to all those that expected a call or some sort of contact from me. I forgot my address book and didn't have any numbers, plus, didn't feel like going out that much. I've been ignoring my e-mail as well and didn't send any Christmas cards this year either due to work. So, yeah. Been kinda cutoff from the world. I
did manage to drag my ass out to Ottawa to see my buddy Paul and his wife. Lots of snow and ice in that city. Also, lots of wicked Korean food care of Ji Hyun. Delish. Don't think I'd ever want to live there but after touring a handful of galleries I've been fired up to start painting again. Paul was using a variety of non-toxic materials which was my main concern since I don't have a "studio" to really paint in. Got to hang out with past Queen's kids right before flying out, too. It was a nice finale for my stay in Toronto.
As far as Christmas gifts go my sister bought me a dock for my ipod, some new earphones and a sweater. My bro got me 2 books
The Rebel Sell and
On Bullshit. Good reads. My parents gave me money which I've already spent and some clothes. I wasn't really expecting anything so it was nice to get a few gifts.
What else...
Oh, been busy playing Resident evil 4 today. Damn, this game is GOOOOD. The new system and game format is a sweet change of pace compared to the previous incarnations. I think I'm a good example of a past diehard fan who got bored with the franchise, forgot about it and was pulled back thanks to all these radical changes. I love the tempo of the game. Constant pressure and bombardment from enemies. The ability to upgrade your weapon is a stellar advancement and the ability to dodge attacks during cinematics keeps you on your toes. I've died so many times reaching for my coffee. Like, "Ah!! ohhhhhhhh.... ouch." So, now I can't wait for Rezy 5.
Gotta catch up on my massive amount of e-mails now.