
The last post was just a test to see if my browser would show Japanese text. Apparantly, it works. I plan to start updating in both English and Japanese in a little bit so this was the first step.

Oh, new BFX is up! Our message/shout board is outta commission at the moment. We're looking into a suitable replacement. If you have any good ideas let me know, eh?

So, 2 and a half years ago when I moved into my current apartment, the new management had this brilliant idea of tearing up the rear parking lot with jackhammers to lay new piping and asphalt. I believe it was the worst week of my life with deadlines barreling upon me while my entire place shook like a mutha and I couldn't sleep due to all the noise. Well, oh, sweet irony. Management has decided to renovate the entire façade of the building this time and tear up the unused pool right next to my window with, you guessed it, jackhammers and bulldozers. I'm such a lucky guy.



え~ ども。テストです。



I've been getting some nice hits lately. Thank you. I'll try and keep you somewhat entertained.

So, I finished SMLMJ 13 yesterday (finally!) and vegged out for the rest of the day. I watched Restaurant Makeover and Heroes since they were airing back-to-back before crashing at around 11pm. It's great having new episodes of RM weekly again. I can't help but smile at how well the makeovers turn out and seeing how the owners react. Some good, some, like, wtf. Hahahahaha.

I have to admit, I think I'm liking Heroes more than LOST right now. Granted, it's still early in the season but I feel I get more story in one episode of Heroes than 3-4 combined in LOST. I remember checking out the clock during Heroes and thinking "Whaaaa?? It's still only half way through the episode!?". Lots of meat in exchange for my ass on the couch. They are better about revealing secrets in a timely manner as well making them more viewer friendly. Plus, stripper mom is fucking hawt. Good bit of casting NBC.

My building manager came by with a potential new tenant today to check out the place. I had no idea so I had dirty plates and empty cups all over the place. I gave a good word in, though. I believe it was something along the lines of "yeah, it's the shit."



It was super foggy a coupla days ago and the tankers that criss-cross English Bay right out my window were lettin' loose with their fog horns. It was actually quite relaxing to hear that muffled, low-pitch honk every so often. Anyway, last night after the fog had settled I got this to look at. We don't get nice thunderstorms like Toronto but we at least get these. I will miss this.



I had a burning urge for Orange Crush this morning as I woke up so I pushed aside my "no pop" lifestyle and rushed over to the nearest store to get some. I had a choice between normal or diet and went with the diet for some reason and it tastes like shit and now my mouth is all orange. Whoooooo...

I've been getting a few e-mails from past friends in Japan over the past coupla weeks. I think through my site and the grapevine they've heard I'm comin' over and they've offered much appreciated advice and help. It's makin' the move a lot easier. I'm lookin' at Ikebukuro as a possible place to live and I've been told Kanda is great for access to many publishers. I have family close to Ikebukuro so that was the source of my initial interest but, hell, if the potential for saving some yen on travel within Tokyo is there I might as well go for that as well. Train money adds up after a while. Oh, a cool little thing I found here. Is that not the most ingenious thing?? I'm sure it can be utilized at many other populated locations like stadiums, street corners and order windows at McDonalds. The future is now.

I have, like, 3 pages left on SMLMJ 13 so I'll finish that tonight and I also have a cover to get outta the way.



So, North Korea has nukes. That's pretty freaky. The thought of a crazy guy with bad hair having a stock pile in the near-future is pretty wack. I suppose it's not so much that he HAS nukes but has the power to trade and sell them to anyone with the will and the big bucks is what's wack. And here I am planning to move right next door in about a month and a half. Go me.

Workwise, things are progressing pretty well. I'm half way done SMLMJ 13 in record time and I should be ftping the pages over sometime during the weekend. This mad work ethic is boosting my confidence when I think about busting out pages for pitches and other projects in the future. Can't wait. Oh, I wanted to mention I'll be closing my online store next month so if you were thinking about ordering a sketchbook, now would be the time to get one cuz they won't be available after the next coupla weeks.

Aaaaand, new BFX is almost done. Honest.



Thanks for all the hits!!! To commemorate, here's MJ shredding on a Strat.



So, Youtube was bought by Google for 1.6 billion in stock. Not a bad return for a site a year old. Man, can you imagine??? 1.6 billion... That goes beyond rich.

I finished SMLMJ 12 yesterday. I'm on schedule to get all my commitments done before I leave so I'm happy. I've been corresponding with my aunt and cousin to get advice on apartments and whatnot. It's a start.

Oh, I watched a bit of Spike's Scream Awards last night after watching Ken Shamrock get his ass beat against Tito Ortiz. Mostly to see a coupla comic creators mixed in with Hollywood talent. It was actually a nice 5 minute podium for comics as Frank Millar and Robert Kirkman both had a few minutes to give their thanks upon accepting awards. It's not everyday that that happens so kudos to both for being respectful and not groveling too much.

My site is just under 30000 visits. Keep the hits coming and I'll have another special MJ image to celebrate.



I've been keeping a healthy schedule of getting up at 9am and going to bed at midnight lately. No more all-night drawing sessions for me. I've finally found that working during the day no matter how distracting it can be is more productive. Man, after 3 years I finally figure this out. wtf. So, I'm almost done with SMLMJ 12 and I've already started on the breakdowns for the next issue. Go me.

Anybody see LOST? Of course you did. Was Kate not super hawt in that dress?? Otherwise, what a seriously depressing and mind-bending episode. Like, hoooooly frig. Rat in a cage to the extreme. Poor Jackie-boy. I've stopped visiting LOST boards and reading up on all the minute details. I can enjoy the episodes more and not freak about all the little things.

I uninstalled all the games on my computer recently and boxed up my PS2. I hadn't really touched the thing in a while anyway and I thought it would be best psychologically to keep distractions away in my current crunch. I think I'm just not a gamer anymore or there haven't been any real games to tempt me. The last game I really got into was Colossus and rightly so. But, otherwise, nadda. It's the guilt that sets in thinking about how much time I'm throwing away on a game that gets me most. Oh, I checked out the WoW episode of South Park online last night. Brilliant. You HAVE to watch this if you haven't. It's on par with Kate in a dress.



All these new shows to watch.

I checked out the second episode of Heroes last night along with a long-awaited new episode of Restaurant Makeover. I'm mucho diggin' Heroes. They are definitely biting LOST in their storytelling approach and large cast which is getting old now but they've thrown out so many red herrings I can't help but be curious about what's gonna happen. I also like that it feels open-ended, granted it's only still 2 episodes in, it's hard to imagine how all the characters will come together. Like a smooth super frap of special abilities. One thing I found annoying is the clock they keep showing for the J-dude's story. Okay, I can say with certainty that NO J-office uses clocks with kanji numbers. That's just gay. Whities and their stereotypes. Bwaha!

Restaurant Makeover kept up their usual feel-good approach. Makes me all warm 'n fuzzy inside after each episode.

The new LOST episode will tomorrow night. Can't wait for that!

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