
So, I hit Comiket this past Friday. For those not in the know, it's the biggest comics related convention in the world. I think something like 350,000+ people converge on this one convention centre on the outskirts of Tokyo to buy, sell and totally soak themselves in all that is comics. Amateur comics that is. And most of it being porn related. If it's freakin' you out just think of it as it's own genre. There IS a corporate section in it's own hall but they are also in the business of selling amateur work and to promote some pro creations of their own. To help you understand the scope of this thing here's a floor plan:

There's also that corporate room and another room for cosplayers.

Anyway, I didn't really have a goal in mind for this thing. I figured it would be good to see it and immerse myself in the event. After a quick scan of what was around, I made a more thorough review of the work. First off, the print quality of the books there were outstanding. I'm used to zines made Kinko's-style at cons backhome but rarely did I see that quick and easy level of publishing. 80-90% of books were square bound and on good stock. Some even went as far as having glossy or holographic covers, protected in a plastic bag or in cellophane. Some nice, nice design work for the covers, too.

Secondly, there were people. Lots of people. Getting in wasn't a big deal since I arrived late but once inside, I was shoulder-to-shoulder pretty much the entire time. Luckily, it's winter and I didn't have to deal with gusts of eau-de-sweaty-stinky-dude. The main central area of the hall was where various manga groups and individuals had tables but against the walls were where the more well-known creators seemed to be. Some dudes had line-ups trailing out the cargo doors and flooding onto the parking lots outside. 500 people easy for one line-up with helpers armed with megaphones directing traffic. I've seen big line-ups to see artists before but this was on a whole other level. And the crazy thing was it's for an amateur artist.

So, there were lots of people but one thing to note is about half of them were chicks. Yes, girls read comics. There's a big boys love (guy-on-guy. not explicit mind you) genre goin' on right now so I'd suspect a good chunk of them were into that stuff. Ahh, romance.

Outside was the cosplayer area which I briskly checked out. Well, I actually couldn't find where to enter. I woulda had some better pictures to show if I did.

Anyway, back to the books themselves. It may have been the day I went (it's a 3 day show with themed days and interchanging creators) or something but the general quality of the work was, well, underwhelming? Yeah. I didn't go in expecting anything but I was hoping to find a few books that I would be compelled to buy. Unfortunately, after walking around and browsing the hundreds of aisles, I ended up only buying 1 book. Maybe I'm just a jilted old bastard (which is most likely the reason) but most of what I saw was similar to fan artists backhome. Just on a grander scale with better quality print. I mean, endless rows of Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Prince of Tennis and Rurouni Kenshin inspired books not drawn as good, paved the tables. I guess that's what sells 'em. Sorta like using a marketable superhero to sell a title or using sex to titilate. Wait. Fuck. This is just like back home... Whatever. As a comics convention it's one of the best. Perhaps THE best. No video games or movies or ladies in skimpy outfits (aside from the cosplayers) or toys were involved and I have great respect for that. No stoopidly over-the-top displays or vertical banners or loud obnoxious music or pandering giveaways and I give huge props to that. It's a place for amateurs to come, show and sell. It's a place to nurture talent, to make connections and to remind ourselves that comics can work. They DO work. And there are lots and lots of people that read and love them. Admission was free and it proves that when you give, you get lots back.

So, yeah. Good or bad, it was still fun. Thanks to Paul for the invite and chatting while we wandered.





Despite the shitty weather yesterday, (it rained. Oh, did it rain) I had quite the good day. I had a meeting with editor (U-san) and the author of the book I'm scheduled to do the cover work for (O-san) at a swanky coffee shop in Ikebukuro. I think my coffee cost, like, 5 bucks but who's counting. After some formalities and getting over my nerves, we sat down and chatted about details regarding the work: the usual format, layout and other technical tidbits. It's due in mid-January so I'll be sending sketches in soon. Afterwards, we talked a bit about what the actual book is about and I was surprised at how much U-san was learned about American Comics. There aren't many books that outline the history of floppies over here so I think this book may just set the foundations towards understanding. He was also very in tune with the whole Tokyopop movement and various TP creators. Very cool guy. I was asked what my plans were and why I moved and so I gave my little rundown to which they were very supportive and offered to introduce me to editors and and other creators when the time came. Man, music to my ears, people. I'm still gunning to pitch a short to see what the reaction will be but I will definitely follow-up on this stroke of luck.

So, I'm still on a bit of a high. I should really get down to work though. I've still got an entire issue of MJ to complete.

Oh, Appleseed was on TV last night. I watched it in bed. On my freakin' phone.





As promised, some photos from the past couple of weeks. I haven't been as trigger-happy as I should so these are just a random assortment.

Street food. One of the best parts of Japan. Above is a street vendor making okonomi-yaki and tako-yaki. Just really dirty dirty food which is awesome. They also have ramen and oden stands littered around Tokyo for your hunger needs.
A shot of Yasukuni Shrine mentioned in a previous post. There was a crowd there chanting scripture when I was there. Not much else to say. The area is definitely beautiful and serene. A small safehaven from the rest of Tokyo.

I was in a Kinokuniya Bookstore and found these amongst the other manga digests and novels. A bit jarring to see these placed next to slice-of-life books. The one to the right is about crab fishing. Although Supes would be one hell of a fisherman if he was so inclined.

The name says it all...

Not sure what this was. I'd guess it was a gallery of some sort.
A shot of Tokyo from my uncle's apartment. On a good day you can see Mt. Fuji behind that smoke stack but I think the smog was a bit too thick that day. My place has no view so it's nice to be higher up like this.

That's it for today. I'll make a conscious effort to take more over the holidays which reminds me, Merry Christmas.



Well, I finally ironed everything out and I've graduated out of them dark and stinky net cafes. At first, pretty much every program except for Firefox was being blocked but after spending a few hours scouring the net, I managed to dig up the how-to. Go me. Only took 3 weeks! I'll be commenting again so please keep the little nuggets of knowledge coming.

In terms of the J-comics thing, a little development popped it's head up over the last few days. Some cover work for a book which I don't wanna say too much about for fear of jinxing it but I've been in contact with an editor and I'm gonna go do a powwow in the next few days, I think. He generously e-mailed me and thought I was still in Canada so this move had nothing to do with it. Oh, irony. It's still exciting though and I'm stoked at this recent stroke of luck.

I've got pictures to show but I still need to resize most of them unfortunately. Here's one for the road:



Not much to really report as of late. A friend from outta town was here so I spent the last week getting consistantly hammered. I ended up on some boat cruise around Tokyo Bay on Saturday which was interesting. All these high-brow j-chicks with white dudes trying to pick them up. Wierd.

I'm waiting for my alien registration to go through so I can pick up my ID card tomorrow. Then it's off to the bank to open an account and to see if I can wire some money to myself. My setup fees have been killer and I'm running low on the yen I brought with me from Vancouver. Show me the money. I bought a bike yesterday so it's been nice not having to walk everywhere. My last bike in Japan was a total lemon and plagued me with flats and the chain repeatedly falling off so I hope this one treats me right.

I think I've decided on a pitch. Finally. I'm just gonna stick with what I do best. Think I'll write out the plot tonight and start designing shit tomorrow. Scans will follow. Oh, I'm finally gonna get connected tomorrow. (fingers crossed) The IT dude came by last week to make sure they can actually install the cable and since that was green lit I'm all good to go. Frig, man. 2 weeks to get internet... I hate dishing out yen at these net cafes just to do some e-mail. I remember visiting Korea where every freakin' store had a setup you could use. For FREE. Even at a hair dressers.

Gonna check out Tekkon Sujikureeto this week. It opens on the 23rd. I'm stoked.

Anyway. Yeah, anyway.



I'm almost settled. I've got water, electricity and just got my gas line hooked up an hour ago. This 4 foot tall lady came by and gave me the lowdown on how not to blow up my place, tested my taps, gave me a bow and then was gone. Kunoichi style. I'm just waiting for my internet connection now. That should be installed on Thursday. Other than my immediate necessities, I'm having a bitch of a time finding a drawing table. If I were able to draw on a flat surface it would make my life a lot easier but I need a slight incline to be comfortable. I may have to resort to finding an online vendor and have it delivered.

I just realized Death Note ended. I need to catch up on that series. I was following the cartoon version but was annoyed by the opening theme music and stopped watching. The artist Obata Takeshi has a new series which I forget the name of and it looks sorta cool so I'll make sure I check that out.

Workwise, I penciled that SMLMJ cover last night and I'm waiting for approvals on it. I had to take crappy, low-lighted pictures of it and send them via my phone. haha. Sorry, Nate. I've still got issue 15 to finish as well. It's mostly backgrounds though so I should be able to wing them of by the end of this week. Afterwards I'll finally be able to sit down and figure out how I'm going to approach work for Japan. I have 2-3 magazines I'd like to apply to but they all have vastly different audiences so I'll have to produce 3 seperate stories. I came here thinking I would cater to what's popular or what's most likely to connect with readers but more and more I'm thinking I should just write and draw in the realm of what I feel most strongly about and what I enjoy. I've been reading articles with editors talking about what they would most like to see out of a potential creator and time-and-time again they keep repeating "passion". I agree. I think I've been over-analyzing and over-thinking this whole thing up to this point. I should do what I want. Hell, that's what I came here to do afterall.

Oh, sorry for the lack of responses in the comments section. My netting time is severely limited these days. I'll get back to them once I have my own connection.



Did I mention Japan doesn't have central heating? No? Well, they don't and it blows. Quite a bit. It rarely goes below zero in Tokyo but when you got nothin' but walls and a roof to keep you warm it's pretty brutal. It's like a slow and numbing cold that eats away at your fingers first, then your limbs and then your gut. Of course, they have peripheral heating units like gas powered or halogen heaters and a cool thing called a kotatsu which you can hide under but this freakin' constant cold is something I've never (pun intended) warmed up to. Yeah, yeah, pass the cheese.

I moved all my crap to my apartment today. I'm currently chilling for the last time at my uncles and playing with my cousin's kid who's too cute for words. I have to get a SMLMJ cover done for Monday which I tried to finish earlier this week but a sudden cold totally through me off the wagon. My first illness in Japan. Go me. I hope to be doing more ill things just not being sick. So, yeah. I'll crash at my place tonight and get shit set-up for work tomorrow. I'm still without hot water, a fridge or any direction in this j-comics thing but, meh. The sushi's been rockin'.

Oh, thanks to Y-san for the Tokyo tour the other day. I know he drops by and reads this from time-to-time. We did a quick bookstore tour in Shinjuku where he gave me the low-down on what's hawt or not, had a wicked bowl of ramen noodles and then it was off to the Kanda area of Tokyo where all the big publishers were. Mind you, we didn't exactly go IN to any of these places or anything. I just stood, gazed and pawed at the physical enormity of what I was trying to do. I like being able to touch things to put them in perspective.

Anyway, dinner time.



This is day 5, I believe. I'm currently waiting to finalize my rental agreement and then I move in on the 7th. It looks as though I'll be scoring a fridge and washing machine off my uncle and an assortment of plates and cups off another uncle. I'm not used to having so many generous family members nearby so it's been quite nice. I still need to figure out how to get my hands on a decent drafting table and a TV. There are plenty of second hand stores around so I'll check those out in the coming days I suppose.

So, yeah. All that aside, things have been pretty low-key. Been doing some interesting reading and studiously doing research on the side. I've been sorta overwhelmed at the amount of good reads available since I was last here. I'm currently hooked on Asano Inio's It's a Wonderful World. Google it and check er out. Unfortunately, I don't foresee a translated version for NA any time soon. I see there is a French version, though.

Besides comics, I took a trip to Yasukuni Shrine yesterday. It's been the source of Japan's political and PR strife for the past few years. Especially with the rest of Asia and China specifically. If you read the wiki page you'll get the jist. There is an accompanying museum outlining Japan's military history nearby so I check that out as well. I'm no history buff but I DO know WW2 paved ground for how the country is now and even helped comics become the force it is today. It was just interesting to read an un-American POV of how things started and ended. I'll leave it at that. You'll have to come and digest the writing yourself to understand.

Oh, Sean. Yeah, you, McKeever! Thanks for the shoutout on your site, man. I tried posting on your board but I've totally forgotten my login and password.

That's it for now.



Waddaaaap!! Thanks for all the well wishes people! Like, seriously. Much love.

Well, I made it. I'm freakin' in Japan. Day 3 I believe. It still feels unreal but I'm slowly starting to get my feet on the ground. I've gone around and done the family thing and had my obligatory helping of sushi. I spent all day today and checked out apartments and despite my uncle's advice to take it slow and steady, I signed papers for a place near Ikebukuro. It's a brand new loft-style apartment and it was too sweet ofa deal to refuse. The rent is cheaper than what I was paying in Vancouver as well so, like, wth. So that's one thing outta the way.

Last night I was wandering around in Ikebukuro and checked out bookstores, electronic stores and whatnot. It's been an inspiring coupla days let me tell ya. So many amazing reads to get through and story ideas to comb over before I begin to write and draw. THe cell phones here are rediculous as expected. I'm aiming to get one where you can flip the main screen sideways and watch TV on it. FOR FREE. I haven't taken any pics yet mostly due to the fact that I need a new camera. My comp is still boxed up as well and I haven't tested if it survived the plane trip over. I'll worry about that later.

I think the little things have been most rewarding. I saw a girl on the train today who couldn't have been more than 10 years old and was with her mom but was decked-out in a black navy jacket, short skirt, b&w striped goth socks and a leather shoulder bag with a skull and cross bones on it that read "GLORY OR DEATH". Word, sistah.

Aight. As soon as I settle into my place and have shit set up pictures will commence.

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