I'm off possibly snowboarding but definitely visiting friends this weekend. Being in a mega city like Tokyo is awesome but it also gets tiresome after a while. There's only so much concrete a wholesome Canadian boy can take before wanting to see some greenery. Well, it'll be snow this time of year of course.
I'm in the process of revamping my website. I've been talking to my web guy Tu about it since Christmas but never got around to it till now. I'm thinking about adding a simple Q&A board so people can inquire about my work and stuff but I also wanted to ask what YOU the visitor would like to see. More art? Photos? I'm open to suggestions on making this place a bit more entertaining.
I bought a can of Dr. Pepper the other day and saw that it was accompanied with a great illustration. Here's a sample:

You can go to their
website to download your very own, btw. Just go to the "Band Goods" section and they have a bunch of cool images.
Also, here's a photo I forgot to post from my last trip. I crashed in a hotel for a night after boozing and woke up the next day to find this. It was probably the biggest reminder that, yes, I was in Asia.