
Well, it's been a rather un-summery summer for me this year. I've started seeing products hyping the next season like on beer cans that made me realize I should take a "time out" and maybe go to the beach or something. I did manage to hit a bunch of festivals over the course of July and August but it still didn't really click with me for some reason.

Anyway, I hit up Comitia and mistakenly Comic City this past weekend with Eric. I say "mistakenly" cuz when I got to Big Sight, I just wandered into the big hall I'm so accustomed to going to where Comitia usually sets up but oddly had a show called Comic City in it's place. I assumed they had changed the show name without telling me but after walking around for about a hour and realizing 90% of the artists and fans there were chicks and an equal 90% of the books were yaoi and BL based it quickly dawned on me I'd made a mistake. I did find this awesome Initial D/Oishinbo mash-up comic, though, so all was not lost.

I asked around and was told Comitia was in fact here but on the other side of the convention center. Dammit... I had to grab Eric who wasn't carrying a cell and finding an asian person in a massive crowd without a cell phone is a high ordeal. Luckily we had agreed to meet up but it was still about an hour till the agreed time. So, shit. I was way too pissed at the show and myself by this point so just hung around and people watched until Eric showed up. As I type this I'm still annoyed at myself for not being more observant but, above all, there were no big banners or signs put up by Comitia directing the crowd. Motherfuckers...

Pictures of Comic City:

Fast forward. We make it to Comitia. The hall is a lot smaller and L-shaped. I'm wondering if the show downsized this year or was just beaten to the punch of reserving the bigger con space. Whatevs... I really like this show. For one thing, the people are always nice and polite but I guess that's across the board for any con in Japan but mostly cuz it sticks to touting original creations and characters. I picked up a couple of books this time and marvel at the high-production values of the comics once again. It never ceases to amaze me how everything is glue bound and professional looking. Very few stapled zines. Also, no big-ass and unnecessary displays. It's all very uniform and grounded. I took a few pics but I apologize for their rather pedestrian nature. I wasn't in the mood to get crafty after wasting 2 hours prior.

The demographic is pretty evident when comparing the photos from CC and Comitia. They had editors doing portfolio reviews again but I opted to just watch this time and not participate. I've got my own thing happening very soon so I wanted to save my nerves I guess. There was a portion of the room where they'd erected partitions and had illustrations up like a mini-gallery. That was kinda neat and different.

I don't have any enlightening observations this time around. I think I've done the show too many times now. It was nice seeing familiar faces behind the tables with new work, though, and seeing their stuff evolve and improve artistically and thematically but mostly thematically. If anything, the impression I got was one of movement. Not standing still.



Commissions are closed. Thank you to all those that e-mailed with interest. I will start chipping away at them next week. I'll make sure to post some once they're delivered and all that, too.

Big weekend comin' up. I will be attending Comitia once again. This time with fellow Torontonian comicker Eric Kim who's been in town creating a ruckus. There are a bunch of huge festivals happening in and around Tokyo as well so I'll be sure to get plenty toasted and snap-happy with my camera. Then mid-next week, it's finally time to apply to publishers. It's been a long time comin' but I'm both excited and scared as hell in equal parts. Full updates once it all goes down.



Just a quick post to say I have 2 spots left on my commission list. If you'd given up thinking I was all booked or maybe just on the fence teetering, now's the time to drop me a line.



Thanks to all those that inquired about a commission. I think I have enough to get started so if you are James, Rodney, Eddyyyyyy, Don or Keith please shoot me an e-mail (tmiyazawa@hotmail.com) with the following details:

Mailing address:
Which character you want and any specifics:
Do you want it personalized?
Do you want the character name?



Back from my little vacation. You can check out pictures to the right on my Flickr. I desperately needed to get out of the city to somewhere with space. Really rejuvinating.

Anyway, as mentioned last week I will be taking commissions. Here are the specs:

1) I will be taking a total of 10 commissions on a first-come-first-served basis. If you would like one, please post a reply to this thread. Don't post your e-mail address just yet. I'll be in touch in a bit about all that.

2) Sketches will be $100 USD each. I know it's a bit steep but I will be penciling, inking and toning them as well as mailing them express from very far away. Well, depending on where you live I guess. Mailing and handling costs are included in the 100 bones, btw. I will also include a link to preview pages from my current project so you can get the skinny on all that as a bonus.

3) I will be drawing them on Japanese board called shikishi. It's a hard board sized at 9.5 inches x 10.5 inches seen below:

4) Payment will be via Paypal only.

5) As for subject matter, I'd prefer something I've drawn before but if you have good reference material I am willing to make exceptions. Considering the square nature of the board, images will be limited to a bust.

I think that's about it. If I think of anything else I'll post again.



It's disgustingly hot here right now. If you're from Toronto or anywhere around there, you'll understand this mix of heat and humidity but it's a constant pounding all day and all night. At least my laundry dries in about an hour...

I'm 2 pages away from finishing my ninja thing. Hot damn, it's taken me forever to get this far. I will be done on Saturday and then I'm off on a little vacation in order to get away from this furnace called Tokyo to somewhere with trees and grass. Not that "grass", although... umm... anyway... It'll be good to reset myself and mentally prepare for applying to publishers which is the next hurdle. It'll probably go through a few edits before that even. I'm excited though. Excited to hear if it rocks or sucks. I'll take both. It'll be a win either way.

I had a run-in with 2 roaches this morning. They just DON'T go away! I'm starting to freak out.

I've been getting a lot of questions regarding commissions I mentioned in a past post and as it looks right now, I'll be taking exactly 10 orders on a first-come-first-served basis. Don't write in yet. I will give a shout about it next week once I'm back. I haven't decided on a price yet but in terms of size, I'll most likely stick with my standard format from last year being letter sized, inked and toned. Preferably characters I've drawn already but if you have good reference material I'm willing to make exceptions. Anyway, I'll give a more detailed post next week about all this.

Here's a finished page:

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