
I woke up this morning and realized it's been exactly a year since I left Canada. I still remember that freakin' snow storm that kicked my ass all the way down Granville Street on route to the airport. In hindsight, it was a nice Canuckian send off, I think. Very appropriate.

I'm happy to report that I've checked off many things I intended to do in Japan up to now. Not all were successful but I believe in learning from my mistakes so, in the grand scheme of things, I've come out ahead. My heart is still solidly on track so I'm not mentally wavering or anything. My strategy has changed a bit so I'll be making a few changes in this second year but it's also what I expected. I hope to post a few more uplifting tidbits in 2008. And thanks to all those who have been supportive and sticking with me through e-mail and this site. Kudos.

I do miss a few things from back home like greasy pizza and big fat burgers but I think I'm missing hockey the most at the moment. The lock-out a coupla years ago was a bummer and it was probably what killed my enthusiasm for the sport but I've recently been making efforts to check scores and standings via the net. Some nice vids on youtube also help. Speaking of youtube, my all-time, hands-down, favourite vid is the following. If you're from Toronto you'll probably drop a tear as I did when first watching it. ALL HEART!!!







So, I bought the above yesterday out of curiousity. I know. I'm such a sucker... They only had them in yellow or black so I opted for the lighter colour. It's... I dunno. Close but not the same? The buttons seem a fraction too small and although the soft rubber is a nice touch, the pressing motion requires a lot of pressure and finger strength. I think if the rubber were a bit thinner I would be more inclined to rave about it. Anyway, complaining aside, the best feature is every 100 clicks gives you a sound effect of some sort. A bark, meow and a few others. That's the most addicting aspect of it and for a mere 8 bucks, it's definitely worth the 5 minutes of entertainment.

Moving on.

This news is a bit late by Japanese standards but I recently heard a rumour regarding the film Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro) that was really interesting and I had to share. The Japanese wiki page has this info but the English one doesn't for some reason. I think someone needs to update this.

The gist is that Satsuki and Mei's shadows cease to appear half way through the movie, leading to speculation that they have both died and that Totoro is actually death. This explains why their father couldn't see them and that the entire story is, in fact, the father's memoires of his daughters. The final scene where the corn cob is left on the hospital window sill with To Mom scratched into the husk is, basically, a message from the dead. This has been categorized as an urban legend and has been refuted by the studio, btw. Still, hearing this adds a whole new angle to the movie and is worth a bit of pondering. Not to mention a collective "What the fuck!?".







As you probably noticed I'm gonna start alternating posts in Japanese and English for the next little while. I've been getting an increasing number of hits from Japan so I figure it's worth a shot. It's a step towards having a secondary Japanese page, btw. I suppose I should have each post in both languages but that means writing each post twice... I'll think about that... If it's something important I'll make sure it's dual. I think that's fair.

Moving on... I was bored and watched Hackers for the first time since uni last night. It's my guilty pleasure movie. I loves it. I think it's the first and last time I've ever thought Angelina Jolie was hot. Aside from the outdated tech-speak it's famous for now, I like it for it's innocence. I mean, it's got rollerblading video game clubs and underaged smoking! It rocks.

I also got to get an eye full of some dude puking his guts out over a train platform on a midday Sunday. Man, drunk on a Sunday afternoon. He ended up sitting in front of me on the train while he gurgled and dribbled puke on himself and the seat. Beautiful.

Anyway, one of my choice shots from Hackers:








I haven't been around for a month you say? Quite right. Being busy would be too lame an excuse so I'll answer with I haven't been around. Like, for real! I feel outta practice with posting so, shit. I don't know where to start.

Well, first of all, I got my visa situation all sorted out in a win-win sort of way. It's not something I should be advertising on a public forum so let's just say I feel like Jason Bourne, yo. Talk about a relief...

Things on the work front have been slow. I'm currently playing a waiting game which doesn't really help me any so I've decided to take on some short work State-side to make the most of my time and for some much needed coin. So, you'll hopefully be seeing some new work from me next year in a limited fashion. I've been considering a few other routes to take but it all hinges on my next go here. Commissions are forthcoming as well. Sorry about the wait.

What else... Oh, I found this FF drink at a local convenience store the other day. It's sorta like the Evangelion amniotic fluid drink but it's called "potion" instead. There are about 20 different can designs to choose from and they go for roughly 2 bucks a pop. Pretty steep considering it's basically just cider. I suppose it's to please the nerd and sucker in all of us.

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