
Man, had a helluva few weeks.

First of all, I managed to squeeze in I am Legend at the theatre. Good flick. I was pleasantly surprised even though it deviated quite heavily from the book. They really handled the suspense and horror elements intellegently and effectively. I could see homage shots from various past horror movies but it never took away from what was happening in front of me so kudos for that. Will Smith was hulkingly huge in this movie. I suppose it fits the survival nature of his character and surrounding setting but he also plays the role of scientist which was less convincing. But, meh. I didn't mind so much about that. I don't wanna spoil anything so I'll just wrap up by mentioning the ending was a mixed bag but I could see why the choice was made. It's a choice that dramatically altered the meaning of the title phrase but, as a whole, it made the movie work. I could go into detail and pick out flaws in logic and whatnot but there's really no point. Good flick.

I also managed to squeeze in a day at Jump Festa last weekend with fellow artist Ryusuke. I was warned that it was just a merchandising op for Jump and Shueisha and skipped it last year but, y'know, I had a great time at the show. I didn't buy anything but they had enough things to gawk at that it made the trip more than worth it for me.

The inviting banner that almost warns you by it's size of the cash you can conceivably drop in the next few minutes. The great thing is, you don't have to spend if you don't want to. The show is completely free.

I'm used to long lines in Japan but this is ridiculous. Of course, the line on the right is for the show exclusive goods area while the line on the left is for entry into the general show. Talk about raking it in, eh?

A friendly but statuesque Naruto greets you at the door.

Along with the dude from Bleach.

Aside from the big displays, they had an assortment of sections for card games, video games and various subsidiery company booths. They also had a large stage for voice actors and artists to speak at but I missed all those since I got there late and the big names like Kishimoto and Kubo were due to appear the next day. It woulda been cool to put a face to the work but I don't think I could deal with the crowds that were guaranteed to come to see them talk. The most notable section for me was the original art galleries that were erected with actual pages and colour covers. Tight security and a no photo policy hampered any effort to take pictures of all that though. I was really surprised at the amount of artists working analog (aka pen and ink with dot-toner) and how much white-out was being used to fix mistakes. A large amount of cut-and-paste techniques too, like, digitally altering images, printing and cutting them out and glueing them to the final board. What you saw on the wall was exactly what was printed so the raw nature of everything was very refreshing. Pretty much everything you wanted to see was there and you were never forced to purchase anything.

Anyway, more photos in my flickr.

I'm kinda tired so I'll leave it at that. More updates soonish.



I've recently been watching Rise of the Video Game from Discovery Channel. Along with outlining video game history it's very up-to-date with current themes and issues so it's been quite entertaining. With the lack of new shows like Heroes and Lost, it's been a great way to kill some time on the side.

I read I am Legend by Richard Matheson last week in anticipation of the movie. Along with the main story, which was surprisingly short but efficient, it had a handful of shorts by him so that was an unexpected bonus. I had heard of the ending to IaL in the past so the plot wasn't much of a shocker but the methodical build-up was a good insight into how to do it effectively. It was my first exposure to Matheson's writing and I quite liked it so I may pick up some more of his work. Anyway, the reviews for the film haven't been very generous so I've lowered my expectations and don't expect much from it. Rumour has it that it deviates from the source material quite a bit. So much so that it just ends up being an action flick. Oh well. Seeing a deserted New York should be quite cool.

More commissions:







A busy next few weeks coming up. Friends dropping in, Christmas plans and work all snowballing into each other. I was planning to go home at the end of the year but decided there wasn't any point since I just had family here and any extra cash should be spent on things other than a plane ticket. While I'm bummed I won't be able to see my parent's new house for another 8-9 months or hang with friends I haven't seen in forever, I figure I should just stay put for now. I definitely have to go home next summer for my sister's wedding, so, yeah. Canada can wait.

I recently updated my podcast list to include some fresh shows like the BBC news cast and some others I'm still testing. Sure the world is falling apart but when an English chap delivers the news it's almost soothing and meditative. If you have any you recommend give me a shout. I need some more reliable ones to listen to.

Some more commissions:





Watchin' some Judo on TV. Next best thing to hockey, I guess.

I always wanted to do judo but my parents forced me into kendo or Japanese fencing instead. I mean, you can't exactly apply kendo in a bar fight but I suppose the mental aspect of the sport was well worth it. But, man, the armour you wear during practice freakin' stank! And when you have an itch on your nose there's no way to scratch it through that meshed metal face protector. Torture! I'd probably feel very different about it if I weren't such a snotty little punk back then but I digress. I've been looking into starting judo here but, y'know, if I break a finger or hand I'm screwed so I think I'm gonna have to let this one go.

Anyway, got some finished commissions to show. Considering the cost and wait, I screened toned them and made sure they were a step-up from a regular con sketch.

I'll post them all over the next little bit in no particular order.





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