
I managed to finish work yesterday so I took today to get some much needed shopping done. I hit the famous and now infamous Akihabara to get some nerdy toys and useless crap for various people backhome. (That's right. You're all gettin' crrrap!) I haven't been there in the longest and it seems like every time I go, they're tearing down or re-building something. It's amazing to think back even just a year and things look completely different. So, anyway, it was way too hot to be dragging around bags so I got in and out in about an hour. Record time!

After much thought, I'm gonna cancel my gym membership tomorrow. I haven't been going lately due to being really busy and I'm basically just flushing about 90 bucks a month down the drain. I've already scouted out a much cheaper and closer alternative being my local community sports center so I'll be switching to that next month. It's 4 bucks a trip and I get all the machines and peripherals I need so it's a steal. It's just a bummer that I've gotten to know some of the people at my current gym and they've helped me stay focused and motivated all year so I'll be missing that for sure.

Here's the first panel from Runaways/Young Avengers: Secret Invasion #3. I leave it up to you to figure out what he's doing.

So, yeah. Home in a coupla days!



Oh, man. I'm freakin' spent... On the last legs of this Secret Invasion issue... I had the worst case of can't-fuckin'-draw for the last month and, naturally, the end has been a rough ride. I always seem to leave the hardest shit for the end so I hafta draw a wide scene of New York City for my last panel. Buildings... Buildings... Red Bull... I should really learn to get the intensive loads outta the way in the beginning, eh?

Anyway, how you doin'? Checkin' out the Olympics at all? Canada's won NOTHIN'!! It's really, uh, depressing. At least Japan's doing well. One thing I really appreciate is their coverage of Judo on all networks here. Of course, it's one of their strongest sports but you rarely see any sort of coverage in Canada for it so it's been nice seeing it live and dissected. It's something I always wanted to do but was forced into kendo instead. I think I mentioned this a while ago...

Lots of interesting peripheral stories to follow as well like the lip-synching little girl, the CGed fireworks and the covering up of anything dirty in the city. Yeah, there's an air of dishonesty to it but, I think, China's just trying to live up to the pressures of hosting. Oh, did you hear about the bigfoot discovery in Georgia?? haha. I call foul on that more than China.



I'm getting too ambitious with this editing program, I know...

The sound is a bit choppy for some reason but, otherwise, enjoy!

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic



It ain't summer in Japan until you checkout some pyrotechnics. I missed all the festivals last year so it was really nice to see and hear all the booms and bangs again. The last time was in Vancouver about 2 years ago? Except you can't have open liquor in Canada while public inebriation is common place over here so it's an entirely different experience watching things blowing up wasted. It was awesome. I've got photos on my flickr and a short video below:


I just learned to use Windows Movie Maker... Enjoy.

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Btw, maybe not this month but after I get back from Canada I plan to update more. I realized I'm only updating about once a week for the past while which is pretty dismal. It's not like I have anything interesting to update this place with but I figure I can try making your visit a little more worthwhile.

Anyway, for starters, I watched all three Final Destination movies last week. As far as thrillers (?) go they were fine. I wouldn't really call them horror. They were more, like, ludicrously impossible murder procedurals. Like a killer version of the Mouse Trap board game. I always wanted that game... It got a bit tiresome seeing water spilling towards electrical outlets and buses spinning out of control after the 2nd or 3rd time, though. I shouldn't complain. What else is the franchise good for? I recall seeing boobies which was nice but not much to rave about other than that unfortunately.

Alright, I'm out.

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