
Apologies for the absence this past month. I finished a big project and I'm currently working on issue 2 out of a 3 issue Runaways run. It's been pretty non-stop. I got my tax papers in the mail the other week and that's been on my mind. I don't want to leave it last minute this year. I loathed waiting in line with all the pensioners a year ago. It's not an experience I want to repeat. Anyway, after taxes and the 3rd issue out of the way next month, I'm gonna get super drunk and see people I've been rudely ignoring. That's my humble goal.

So, I have a bit of a confession to make. I was browsing news sites the other night and saw that Obama was in Ottawa visiting Harper and I realized I knew nothing about Harper, knew nothing about what was happening in Canada over the past 2 years and everything looked very foreign. Yeah, Canada is a foreign country to me now. It was a bit of a scare to tell you the truth. I suppose it was inevitable but I didn't realize it would happen so soon. So, yeah. Identity crisis! WTF!

Not sure if I mentioned this but my parents own chickens now and they're laying eggs. I fear for their cholestoral levels.

That's it for now. My life really hasn't been that interesting if you can tell.

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