Got bit by a mosquito right between the eyes today. The mosquitos here are like stealth bombers, man. You can't hear them and they're deadly! I miss dumb Canadian ones that announce their arrival with their piercing buzz. At least they're giving you a chance to fight back. Very courteous.
Been eating too much lately so I'm back to managing my diet. I used to really look after my carb intake over the last coupla years but fell off the wagon a few months ago for some unknown reason. Probably started with the summer and all the drinking that goes along with just hanging out. It's difficult to break that chain of ramen, sushi and beef bowls once you're caught running in that delicious wheel of J-comfort food.
And finally, I have more artwork for sale! I just sent a package to my dealer
Leonard with pages from the following:
Spider-man Loves Mary Jane #15 - (my last issue on the title)
Avengers Fairy Tales #3 - (the Avengers in Wonderland)
X-men: Manifest Destiny #4 "Work it out" - (Nightcrawler-centric short story)
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #1-3 - (Skrull mayhem!)
And also pages from an Amadeus Cho short I did with Hulk scribe Greg Pak
If you're interested please e-mail Leonard